Sunday, February 13, 2011


2-13-11  Well everyone...  IT'S A BOY!  We are thrilled!!!  I have always wanted a boy first and I got my wish!  Plus, I was pretty sure it was a boy the whole time!  Adam has always thought that he was going to get all girls, so when we saw his little "thing", he was pretty excited.  He was still quiet throughout the ultra sound until the end when the ultra sound tech said everything looked really good :)  However, the ultra sound tech said that the baby measured to make my due date now July 3rd instead of July 2nd.  I am still going for the 2nd and am going to keep that as my due date :)  We had the pleasure of also having Ashley with us when we found out and I am pretty sure she thought it was pretty amazing to see everything.

So....  Jackson Marc Montes it is!  I am pretty sure that he likes his name, because he has been moving like crazy ever since Friday!  This morning when we woke up, Jackson was either punching or kicking a ton, and I thought it was so strong feeling that I had Adam put his hand on my belly to see he could feel it from the outside, and he DID!  He could feel every little movement that Jackson was doing in their.  I am so happy that he is finally able to feel the little guy moving around in there.

I am 20 weeks 1 day now and a day over half way there!  Can't wait!!!  Me, being the planner I am, is ready to clean out the guest room and make it little Jackson's room.  We don't have any of the baby furniture yet, except for a little swing that was given to me from a mom at my school.  We also went and got Jackson 2 little outfits yesterday.  They are 0-3 months, so they are a little big, but I think they are so cute!

Pictures to come, I have somehow misplaced my camera cord to upload my pictures!