Friday, February 4, 2011

and she's down...

2-4-11  So I was walking out to my car this morning and what did I do... slip and fall.  Adam had just warned me it may be icy a minute before that, but what do I do still slip.  I was able to catch myself, but I was still freaking out.  I went on to school and I waited for the doctors office to open.  I called the doctor and he was in surgery, but his nurse agreed to ease our minds by doing an ultra sound even though she was pretty sure that everything was fine since I didn't fall forward and I had no bad symptoms.

I got someone to cover my class and we went in.  The baby is GREAT!  He or she was moving around like crazy and the heartbeat was very strong.  The little sucker even wiped his/her eye and we think had the hick ups.  Always cool to see what he/she is doing in there.  The nurse said that since she is not truly trained on how to see everything, she couldn't tell us the sex of the baby, but I was secretly hoping we would be able to tell.  No such luck...  I guess we will have to wait one more week!

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