Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Growing by the day

2-22-11  Well, it has been a little while since I last updated.   Things are going really well.  I do have a little more energy at this point, but I am also not sleeping too well.  :(  This not sleeping on my stomach and back thing is killing me.  Being a stomach sleeper my whole life, I had to switch from that to my back almost immediately with my pooch growing.  Now I am reaching the point where I am not supposed to even sleep on my back, so I am stuck to my sides.  This is just not for me...  I am rotating constantly because my hips are hurting as well as having pillows surrounding me to try to help with the discomfort.  Adam said that when he came to bed the other night there almost wasn't any room for him due to the pillow overload!

I did get to have my second pregnancy massage today and it was fantastic!!!  Wish I could get them weekly, but monthly is working out well!  Another item I added to my list was getting a light workout in.  Due to previous miscarriages, I had been really taking it easy and basically was being a bum.  Well, the doctor has said that I am in the safe zone now, so I am adding some good old exercise to my daily routine!  It felt really good to be back in the gym!!!

I am growing by the day and getting thoroughly excited to have the little guy come out!!!  I know, I know, he needs a LOT more time to be cooking in there, so I am not in too much of a rush.

Until next time!!!!


Pregnancy pic's

Around 18 weeks.  We took the picture because I looked huge that day :) 

18 weeks 

School picture day!  19 weeks 3 days! 

Side pic! 

21 weeks 3 days 

 Look at that belly :)
I know I am a little over half way there, but I feel like I am getting huge already!!!

Baby Jackson at 19 weeks 6 days

Jackson sucking his thumb!  He takes after his mama:)

 Jackson's little foot

 Profile pic :)

He's a boy!!!  The angle is from his bottom :)

Sunday, February 13, 2011


2-13-11  Well everyone...  IT'S A BOY!  We are thrilled!!!  I have always wanted a boy first and I got my wish!  Plus, I was pretty sure it was a boy the whole time!  Adam has always thought that he was going to get all girls, so when we saw his little "thing", he was pretty excited.  He was still quiet throughout the ultra sound until the end when the ultra sound tech said everything looked really good :)  However, the ultra sound tech said that the baby measured to make my due date now July 3rd instead of July 2nd.  I am still going for the 2nd and am going to keep that as my due date :)  We had the pleasure of also having Ashley with us when we found out and I am pretty sure she thought it was pretty amazing to see everything.

So....  Jackson Marc Montes it is!  I am pretty sure that he likes his name, because he has been moving like crazy ever since Friday!  This morning when we woke up, Jackson was either punching or kicking a ton, and I thought it was so strong feeling that I had Adam put his hand on my belly to see he could feel it from the outside, and he DID!  He could feel every little movement that Jackson was doing in their.  I am so happy that he is finally able to feel the little guy moving around in there.

I am 20 weeks 1 day now and a day over half way there!  Can't wait!!!  Me, being the planner I am, is ready to clean out the guest room and make it little Jackson's room.  We don't have any of the baby furniture yet, except for a little swing that was given to me from a mom at my school.  We also went and got Jackson 2 little outfits yesterday.  They are 0-3 months, so they are a little big, but I think they are so cute!

Pictures to come, I have somehow misplaced my camera cord to upload my pictures!

Friday, February 11, 2011


2-11-11  So today is the day we find out the sex of the baby!  My anxiety is so high!  I feel almost sick to my stomach because I am so excited!!!  The secretary at my school is due like 4 days after me and she found out yesterday that she is having a girl.  She wanted a girl so badly because she already has 2 boys.  I am so happy for her that she got her little girl!  We have been saying all along that we are having different sex babies, so I am starting to think it may be a boy, but YOU NEVER KNOW! 

Our appointment is at 1:00 so I will update as soon as I can to let you all know!  We will soon have our little Adylynn (I know weird spelling, but we like it) not sure of middle name yet Montes or our little Jackson Marc Montes!!!!

More to come....

Friday, February 4, 2011

and she's down...

2-4-11  So I was walking out to my car this morning and what did I do... slip and fall.  Adam had just warned me it may be icy a minute before that, but what do I do still slip.  I was able to catch myself, but I was still freaking out.  I went on to school and I waited for the doctors office to open.  I called the doctor and he was in surgery, but his nurse agreed to ease our minds by doing an ultra sound even though she was pretty sure that everything was fine since I didn't fall forward and I had no bad symptoms.

I got someone to cover my class and we went in.  The baby is GREAT!  He or she was moving around like crazy and the heartbeat was very strong.  The little sucker even wiped his/her eye and we think had the hick ups.  Always cool to see what he/she is doing in there.  The nurse said that since she is not truly trained on how to see everything, she couldn't tell us the sex of the baby, but I was secretly hoping we would be able to tell.  No such luck...  I guess we will have to wait one more week!