Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Catch up....

So it may seem like I fell off the face of the earth, and I haven't, but I have been super busy being a mommy!  It has been over a year since my last post and WOW has my life changed!  Well our wonderful bundle of joy, Jackson arrived on my dad's birthday, June 22, 2012!!!  I had been on bed rest since June 17th, which was the most BORING thing I have ever done.  Don't get me wrong...  I am a lazy person, but being forced to lay all day drove me crazy!  

So on June 20th I had to turn in a 24 hour urine sample that I had been collecting.  They said that it would take about 24 hours to analyze and that my doctor would call me with the results the next day.  On the morning of June 21st around 10am, Dr. Pitts called me and said that my protein levels were still kind of high and since I was at full term he thought I should be admitted and they would start the process of labor.  I was freaking out with nervousness, excitement and not going to lye, pretty scared!  So I call Adam and I told him it was time and that I needed to go check into the hospital asap.  He was coming back from Chelan on a delivery at work and so he said that he would meet me up at the hospital!  (He later told me that he was driving a huge semi literally going like 80 miles an hour back to work)!

I grabbed my bag that I had packed and the diaper bag that I had ready and I checked myself in at the ER.  It was kind of weird being by myself, but I was kind of in a daze from all the emotions, that my body and mind just went with it.  I was fully checked in by like 11:30am or so and Adam was there with me.  Dr. Pitts came in around 12:30 and he said this was probably going to be a long process.  He said he was going to put this gel (down there )  :) to try to thin my uterine walls and then he would come back in 4 hours and see if I had progressed and if I hadn't he would do it again and maybe do it a couple more times before they actually induced me.  I was getting the impression that he thought it would take a few times before any progression happened.  So he left and we just hung out!  The nurses kept checking on me and I was all hooked up to hear the babies heart beat, but I didn't particularly like the nurses that we had so far.  They just didn't seem to be on top of things too well.  

The four hours went by and Dr. Pitts came back to check on me.  He couldn't believe that the gel had worked the first time and so he said he would break my water and go from there.  So he did and then said he was going to go on a bike ride on this wonderful evening and check back in later.  So time had passed and Joel and Ashley had come to visit and brought their dinner.  I was the lucky one (not) and got a half of grilled cheese sandwich and a super small dinner salad.  They didn't want too much food in my system for medicine purposes.  Well we were all visiting and around 7pm I was really starting to feel some contractions and getting uncomfortable.  So Joel and Ash left so Adam and I could just be alone.  So now thinking in the back of my mind, I knew that this little guy was going to be born on the 22nd, WHICH I HAD BEEN TELLING PEOPLE WOULD HAPPEN MY WHOLE PREGNANCY AND NO ONE BELIEVED ME!!!!  

The pain was getting worse, but the stupid nurses did not have the monitors of my contractions set up very well, so they didn't think that they were that bad yet..  I think they thought I was being a baby.  Then we got this awesome nurse who came in for the night shift.  She said that she thought it looked like I was getting pretty uncomfortable so she messed with the monitors and sure enough, my contractions were pretty close together and lasting like a minute long.  She asked if I wanted an epidural and I said YESSSSSSS!!!  

Around 10:30 I think, they finally came in to give me my epidural.  By that time I had been in solid labor for at least 2 hours and it was the most indescribable pain of my life.  The epidural worked wonders for about 1 1/2 - 2 hours and then they started getting worse again.  I asked for more drugs, but they said that I was too far dialated and they were calling Dr. Pitts.  By this time it was around 12:30am.  So the contractions progressed and I was getting super uncomfortable, but I was tolerating it!  

Dr. Pitts finally arrived at 1:25am.  He walked in checked on my dialation and said, "It is time to push".  He quickly washed his hands and told me to push.  Adam held one of my legs and the nurse held the other.  I started to push, but was pushing the wrong way with my legs.  He stopped me and told me I needed to get Jackson out and that I needed to push the right way.  So I gave two more BIG pushes and out came our baby boy at 1:36am.  Dr. Pitts cut the cord immediately and rushed him over to the cleaning area.  We hadn't heard a cry so I started freaking out and Adam was looking over to see what was going on.  Finally which seemed like forever, Jackson let out a cry and he said everything looked good!  We got cleaned up and put into another room.  Meanwhile Joel and Ash and Adam's mom were in the waiting room so they got to come in for a quick visit!  Maggie was super mad that she wasn't going to be there, but she was coming the next day so I knew it would be fine!

That night was so amazing and exhausting at the same time.  Adam and I kind of took turns getting up with Jackson when he was fussy and I tried feeding him although I already wasn't too fond of breast feeding, but I was still trying!  

The next morning Dr. Pitts came in to check up on us and Jackson and he at that time told us that it was such a hurry and important to get Jackson out because my placenta had detached with him still in me and so he was inhaling bloody fluid.  That is while he took a little while to cry.  But he said that everything was fine and Jackson was doing amazing.

WOW!!!  That was a long story, but that was the journey we went through to get our wonderful Jackson Marc Montes.  

This last year has been amazing being a mom.  It has gone by way too fast though.  I went back to work at the end of November and it was a little rough, but I made it through the end of the year and it is summer once again!

AND NOW...  just a little after Jackson's first birthday, we found out we are expecting AGAIN!!!  

Here is some pictures of Jackson's 1 year of life!  They downloaded out of order, but oh well!
                                                                Thanksgiving 2011
                                                                   Jackson's arrival
                                                                       First Family Pic
                                                                   Precious Boy
                                                                     Little Old Man
                                                                Getting chuncky
                                                                  First Visit to Grandpa
                                                            First camping trip in Chelan
                                                                      Mug Shot :)
                                                            Cutting Wood in the Mountains
                                                       Pumpkin Patch 2011
                                                                     1st Halloween
                                                               1st Christmas 2011
                                                            Jumping Fun
                                                                   Playtime in PJ's
                                                          Possibly a future Coug
                                                                     6 month check-up
                                                                  Valentine's Day 2012
                                                                      Oh Hey!!!
                                                                Dr. Seus's Birthday
                                                                First time on the swings
                                                             St. Patty's Day
                                                            Visit with Grandpa
                                                            That's our smiling boy
                                                               Swinging fun
                                                                   love this face
                                                          Birthday Present from mom and dad
                                                                Jackson's Birthday Decor

                                                                   Big Brother Onsie
                                                                  1 year photo
                                                                Birthday cake

                                     Cute Country Boy