Friday, June 17, 2011


Well...  I had my normal weekly check up yesterday after school got out.  I did my routine urine test and there was a little protein in my urine, nothing too crazy, but not good.  Then they took my blood pressure and it was a little high!  In my head I was thinking "oh man...  what is going on"?  The nurse had me lay on my left side for about  5 minutes and then the doctor came in and took my blood pressure again.  It had gone down at that point, but the doctor still wanted to get some blood work done to make sure that everything was fine.  So I got my blood work done and came home and got ready for BUNCO!  It was my month to host!  It was a ton of fun, but my hands and feet were extremely swollen by the end of the night!  Even more than they have been the last 2 months!

I got a call this morning and the nurse said that my blood work results were not too concerning, but they wanted me to come back in to check my blood pressure and urine.  I got up and showered and went in.  I still had a little protein in my urine and my blood pressure was a little high again.  I laid on my side for  10 minutes and they took it again and it was down.  The doctor told me that I was to be on strict bed rest now and laying on my left side.  I also am going to be tracking my urine for 24 hours starting Sunday and then go back to the doctor on Monday.


He had said that because of the weekend, he wanted blood work done, so I had to go to the hospital and be admitted and they monitored the baby while they drew blood and got the results.  I just got home and everything looked good!!!  It was nice to get a preview of the hospital and the rooms!  They are REALLY nice.  Almost too nice for Wenatchee:)

I am bummed because tonight is the Relay for Life and I am stuck in bed.  I would like to be there to support my team, but I need to take care of this little guy!!!

Maggie comes home on the 23rd, so I am supposed to keep the little guy in until then....  but........  we will see!!!!