Sunday, January 13, 2013

34 weeks, 1 day

I have been so bad about blogging this time around.  We are now at 34 weeks and I am getting very uncomfortable and anxious for our baby girls arrival.  We have decided on a name....  Payton Kathryn Montes!!!  It was nice to have my winter break, but I kind of wish I hadn't gone back to school after it.  I am carrying baby girl so differently that I am getting really uncomfortable and ready for the pregnancy to be over.  I also feel like she is going to be a big girl :)  When she moves, she feels like she is really strong and it makes it almost painful!!!  She is already sitting so low and I feel like she is going to come early, but watch...  I will go past my due date this time!  I have my next appointment on January 23rd and then I start going weekly!  I can't believe it!

So since I am getting so uncomfortable, my last day of work is going to be Friday, February 1st!  I am seriously counting down the days!  As soon as I am done teaching, I say Payton can join us whenever she is ready (hopefully sooner than late).  And then my dream of being a stay at home mom is going to be in full effect!  I am so excited for it and am so appreciative that Adam is going to make sure that happens for our family!

Jackson is growing by the day and saying more and more each day!  He is starting to say phrases and not just words, he counts to 2 and higher, but 2 is what he says for the rest of the numbers, he is an amazing helper and loves to kiss his sister all the time!  His personality is truly coming out and he is a funny boy who puts a smile on your face all the time!  I think he is going to be the best big brother!!!

Joel and Ashley are anxiously awaiting baby Henry's arrival!  The due date is January 17th, but it could happen any day now!  We can't wait to meet him!

Here is some picture updates...
Santa pic 2012

Getting ready to Christmas Tree Hunt

Dad and Jackson with their serious faces :)

Jackson ready to saw a tree down

So funny

Christmas lights....

Trimming the tree

Drummer boy with his drum as a crown

coloring at his new table

putting together big boy bed

drinking beer is so funny...  well...  maybe not :)

Jackson put together his wordrobe

New toddler bed (doesn't sleep in it yet, but likes to read in it!

Big boy drinking his Dutch Bros. chocolate milk

The crown again...

Binky boy with his spatulas
32 weeks

I have some more belly pics, but they won't upload...  Until next time!!!!!

Friday, November 30, 2012

27 weeks, 6 days

So time is just flying by...  Just a quick update:  Baby girl is doing great, and growing by the day.  I am measuring right on track and my weight gain is good (even better than last time), and I feel like she is going to be one BIG baby girl.  She actually hurts me sometimes with her punches and kicks!  We still don't have a name, but hopefully soon!  Sleeping is getting harder and harder, but thankfully, Jackson is sleeping all through the night and gives this mommy some rest!

Jackson update:  He is a busy, busy boy!  He is go, go, go all the time and is as happy as can be.  He is talking up a storm also.  Sad to say it, but his two favorite words are "uh-oh" and "shit".  Not my proudest moment, but it doesn't help that I think it is the funniest thing because he totally uses it in context!  He is doing to be 18 months next month and I can't believe it.  We have been trying to get him used to the idea of the baby, so whenever we see one or one is on TV I point it out and he really wants nothing to do with it.  He does however kiss my belly every time I ask him to give the baby some LOVE.  I am kind of nervous on how he is going to be with the baby, so we will see! 
He also is in love with some certain cartoons...  Bubble Guppies, DORA, and Curious George are probably his favorites right now, but Bubble Guppies tops the chart by far!!!
Halloween was good!  Jackson was a cowboy.  The costume came together last minute, but he was too cute!  I took him down on the Avenue with Ashley and Rose and Lucy joined us too.  It was pretty crazy and we didn't get too much candy, but Jackson had a great time people watching in the stroller.
Thanksgiving was nice and quiet too.  We had breakfast with Joel and Ashley and went to see my mom and then Adam and Jackson and I hung out at the house all afternoon and made our own dinner.  It was great!  

Christmas is coming soon and I am truly looking forward to Jackson opening presents this year!  I think he is going to go crazy, however, we are trying to figure out what to get him, as he doesn't really play with real toys.  He is more into kitchen utinsels and anything that is NOT a toy.  I am contemplating getting him a bunch of kitchen stuff from the Dollar Store, but we will see!

My last day of work is going to be Valentine's Day!  I am getting pretty anxious, as I am usually pretty tired by the end of my work day.  

 Mommy and Jackson Reading Time
 Jackson driving the truck at Smallwoods Harvest
(had a pick from last year too)
 Pumpkin Time
 So cute!!!!
 Daddy and Jackson fixing a wooden toy
 Halloween 2012
 Mommy and Jackson on Halloween
 Daddy and Jackson on Halloween
 Jackson taking Jackson Lucy for a walk :)
 The Boys raking the leaves
 Thanksgiving:  me at 26 weeks 5 days, and Ash at 32 weeks
 Family Thanksgiving Pic
Mommy and Jackson nap time

Happy Holidays!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Baby #2: IT"S A GIRL

So once again...  It has been a long time since I last updated!  Since my last post, we found out that our wonderful baby #2 bundle of joy is going to be a baby GIRL!  We are thrilled about it and I am already getting antsy to see her beautiful face.  I do have to say that I for sure thought it was going to be a boy though.  The whole ultra sound I was looking for his little "thing" and then when the technician asked if we wanted to find out and what we thought it would be, she said, "well, it is definitely not a boy!"  I was SHOCKED!  But I went out the next day and bought a few little girl pieces of clothing and realized that I am in BIG trouble, cause those clothes are so stinkin cute and hard to resist!

She is moving a ton and kicking up a storm.  Adam finally got to feel her the other night for the first time.  She is pretty stubborn already, cause every time Adam went to feel her, she would stop moving.  But he finally got to feel her and hopefully will a lot more :)

Jackson is doing great and growing by the day.  He is 16 months now and as cute as can be!  He puts a smile on our faces and makes us laugh daily!  He is saying, mama, dada, Elmo, uh-oh, ball, and signing more, please, all done, and thank you".  We feel like he is pretty smart :)

We go to the doctor on Nov. 1st and can't wait to hear our little sweethearts heartbeat again!  And yes...  we don't have a name yet, but we are working on it!!!


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Baby #2 update

So it has been a REALLY long time!  I feel like I never have enough time to get to post anything!

I am now 18 weeks 1 day...

Baby #2 is growing by the day.  He or she is starting to move a lot and I can feel him/her pretty regularly now.  The movement is not strong enough for Adam to feel, but I feel like we are getting close to that!  My morning sickness is finally gone and I am really glad about that.  I am still getting headaches kind of regularly,  but at least I don't feel sick on top of it.  

School is going now and I am already ready for February to come and my maternity leave to start!  NO...  not truly!  The kids are great for the most part, but I do have a couple trouble makers :)  I have a smaller group, so that definitely helps!  

The latest news in the valley is this HORRIBLE smoke that surrounding our city.  There has been some fires that started from lightning strikes about 2 weeks ago.  They have spread like crazy, and now our town looks like it is permanently foggy and our lungs are killing us.  So we have been stuck in doors for two weeks, going on three.

Jackson is doing great!  He is growing like a weed and starting to say more words every day.  He is an amazing boy and the cutest, smartest little guy I have ever seen (I may be a little byast)!  

We go to the doctor this Thursday and then I think just one more week and we get to find out what we are having!!!  We are getting anxious and can't wait!

Until then, here are some pictures...

14 weeks

14 weeks

Jackson and mama at Brittani's wedding!

Jackson and mama on my 29th b-day

My boys mowing the lawn

helping dad shovel dirt

hard at work

cougar attire

passed out while eating lunch

so serious

17 weeks 6 days

feeing himself yougut

Friday, August 3, 2012

Baby #2 update

Ok.  So this last month has not been the easiest, but it is slowly getting better.  I have been pretty light headed, getting my usual headaches, and even thrown up a couple of times.  This is way worse feeling than with Jackson.  Because of my sickness feeling, my appetite has not been much in existent.  I also am SUPER tired, which I was with Jackson, but it is like double that tiredness by the end of the day from running after Jackson all day.  He is all over the place now a days.  He is climbing things, practically running, and a Dancing Fool :)  His favorite word right now is "uh-oh" and he says it all the time.  He also is saying: mama, dada, hot, and ball.  He is picking up on so much stuff right now that he basically learns something after one time of showing him.  Along with his dancing a lot, he does Happy Feet.  When we say "Happy Feet", he moves his feet really fast!  It is the cutest thing ever!!!!!!

Today we had a doctors appointment and it went well, however, at first we were a little nervous.  We went in to be able to hear the heartbeat for the first time.  I am always anxious to hear the baby and/or see it every time we go.  So the doctor put the doppler on my belly and all we could hear was my heartbeat, which the longer the doctor went around to find it, the faster mine was getting.  I was pretty nervous at this point.  The doctor said that we were just going to do an ultra sound instead.  I did need to keep in mind that he said at this gestational period, it could be hard to hear the heartbeat, but I was still kind of freaking out inside.  So the doctor and nurse came in to do the ultra sound and immediately we could see the baby and his/her little heart beating like crazy.  The baby was also kicking and moving all over.  I did lose 4 lbs. and so he said I need to keep myself hydrated, but he didn't seem too concerned.  But Dr. Pitts said everything was great and we were going to see him in a month!  It was so amazing to see that little sucker moving around, especially because I swear I have already been feeling the flutters of the baby moving this last week.

So everything is great and we are super excited!  I am supposed to be 11 weeks tomorrow, but the baby did measure a little bigger at 11 weeks, 3 days already!!!  So we will see when he/she arrives!!!!!!!  Here is our wonderful ultra sound from today and my first belly pic that I took today!
                                                                 10 weeks, 6 days

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Baby #2

So on June 26th I took a pregnancy test (did I mention it was from the Dollar Store?) just because I was like 5 or 6 days late in my cycle, but my cycle had not been completely normal since I had Jackson.  I literally just was taking it to see that I wasn't pregnant.  I was not having any of my normal symptoms that I had had with Jackson or my other miscarriages, so I thought there was NO chance I was pregnant.  When I took the test, it came out positive immediately.  I was kind of freaking out!!!  I didn't know what to think, but I just knew it was truly positive and I was pregnant!

Adam was already at work and I didn't want to tell him over the phone, so I kept it in all day except I did tell Mags and Ash!  When Adam got home from work, I had previously written "I am a big brother" on a onsie of Jackson's, and he walked in the door and Adam saw it..  His exact words, "Are you pregnant?'  I said yes and kind of laughed!  I think he was just as shocked as me.  I think we both kind of thought that it was going to take a long process to get pregnant, just like it did with Jackson.

We are so excited and can't wait to meet this little one!!!  I have a feeling it is a boy again, but we will wait and see!  Our due date is February 23rd.

We went to the doctor already and everything looked great!  We could see the heartbeat right away and it was amazing to see something growing inside me again :)

I have not been feeling too great this time around.  I think I am just more exhausted because I am chasing a toddler around while I have no energy.  But I am napping when Jackson naps and trying to relax as much as possible.

                                            Here is the first picture of baby #2: 6 weeks 6 days

Catch up....

So it may seem like I fell off the face of the earth, and I haven't, but I have been super busy being a mommy!  It has been over a year since my last post and WOW has my life changed!  Well our wonderful bundle of joy, Jackson arrived on my dad's birthday, June 22, 2012!!!  I had been on bed rest since June 17th, which was the most BORING thing I have ever done.  Don't get me wrong...  I am a lazy person, but being forced to lay all day drove me crazy!  

So on June 20th I had to turn in a 24 hour urine sample that I had been collecting.  They said that it would take about 24 hours to analyze and that my doctor would call me with the results the next day.  On the morning of June 21st around 10am, Dr. Pitts called me and said that my protein levels were still kind of high and since I was at full term he thought I should be admitted and they would start the process of labor.  I was freaking out with nervousness, excitement and not going to lye, pretty scared!  So I call Adam and I told him it was time and that I needed to go check into the hospital asap.  He was coming back from Chelan on a delivery at work and so he said that he would meet me up at the hospital!  (He later told me that he was driving a huge semi literally going like 80 miles an hour back to work)!

I grabbed my bag that I had packed and the diaper bag that I had ready and I checked myself in at the ER.  It was kind of weird being by myself, but I was kind of in a daze from all the emotions, that my body and mind just went with it.  I was fully checked in by like 11:30am or so and Adam was there with me.  Dr. Pitts came in around 12:30 and he said this was probably going to be a long process.  He said he was going to put this gel (down there )  :) to try to thin my uterine walls and then he would come back in 4 hours and see if I had progressed and if I hadn't he would do it again and maybe do it a couple more times before they actually induced me.  I was getting the impression that he thought it would take a few times before any progression happened.  So he left and we just hung out!  The nurses kept checking on me and I was all hooked up to hear the babies heart beat, but I didn't particularly like the nurses that we had so far.  They just didn't seem to be on top of things too well.  

The four hours went by and Dr. Pitts came back to check on me.  He couldn't believe that the gel had worked the first time and so he said he would break my water and go from there.  So he did and then said he was going to go on a bike ride on this wonderful evening and check back in later.  So time had passed and Joel and Ashley had come to visit and brought their dinner.  I was the lucky one (not) and got a half of grilled cheese sandwich and a super small dinner salad.  They didn't want too much food in my system for medicine purposes.  Well we were all visiting and around 7pm I was really starting to feel some contractions and getting uncomfortable.  So Joel and Ash left so Adam and I could just be alone.  So now thinking in the back of my mind, I knew that this little guy was going to be born on the 22nd, WHICH I HAD BEEN TELLING PEOPLE WOULD HAPPEN MY WHOLE PREGNANCY AND NO ONE BELIEVED ME!!!!  

The pain was getting worse, but the stupid nurses did not have the monitors of my contractions set up very well, so they didn't think that they were that bad yet..  I think they thought I was being a baby.  Then we got this awesome nurse who came in for the night shift.  She said that she thought it looked like I was getting pretty uncomfortable so she messed with the monitors and sure enough, my contractions were pretty close together and lasting like a minute long.  She asked if I wanted an epidural and I said YESSSSSSS!!!  

Around 10:30 I think, they finally came in to give me my epidural.  By that time I had been in solid labor for at least 2 hours and it was the most indescribable pain of my life.  The epidural worked wonders for about 1 1/2 - 2 hours and then they started getting worse again.  I asked for more drugs, but they said that I was too far dialated and they were calling Dr. Pitts.  By this time it was around 12:30am.  So the contractions progressed and I was getting super uncomfortable, but I was tolerating it!  

Dr. Pitts finally arrived at 1:25am.  He walked in checked on my dialation and said, "It is time to push".  He quickly washed his hands and told me to push.  Adam held one of my legs and the nurse held the other.  I started to push, but was pushing the wrong way with my legs.  He stopped me and told me I needed to get Jackson out and that I needed to push the right way.  So I gave two more BIG pushes and out came our baby boy at 1:36am.  Dr. Pitts cut the cord immediately and rushed him over to the cleaning area.  We hadn't heard a cry so I started freaking out and Adam was looking over to see what was going on.  Finally which seemed like forever, Jackson let out a cry and he said everything looked good!  We got cleaned up and put into another room.  Meanwhile Joel and Ash and Adam's mom were in the waiting room so they got to come in for a quick visit!  Maggie was super mad that she wasn't going to be there, but she was coming the next day so I knew it would be fine!

That night was so amazing and exhausting at the same time.  Adam and I kind of took turns getting up with Jackson when he was fussy and I tried feeding him although I already wasn't too fond of breast feeding, but I was still trying!  

The next morning Dr. Pitts came in to check up on us and Jackson and he at that time told us that it was such a hurry and important to get Jackson out because my placenta had detached with him still in me and so he was inhaling bloody fluid.  That is while he took a little while to cry.  But he said that everything was fine and Jackson was doing amazing.

WOW!!!  That was a long story, but that was the journey we went through to get our wonderful Jackson Marc Montes.  

This last year has been amazing being a mom.  It has gone by way too fast though.  I went back to work at the end of November and it was a little rough, but I made it through the end of the year and it is summer once again!

AND NOW...  just a little after Jackson's first birthday, we found out we are expecting AGAIN!!!  

Here is some pictures of Jackson's 1 year of life!  They downloaded out of order, but oh well!
                                                                Thanksgiving 2011
                                                                   Jackson's arrival
                                                                       First Family Pic
                                                                   Precious Boy
                                                                     Little Old Man
                                                                Getting chuncky
                                                                  First Visit to Grandpa
                                                            First camping trip in Chelan
                                                                      Mug Shot :)
                                                            Cutting Wood in the Mountains
                                                       Pumpkin Patch 2011
                                                                     1st Halloween
                                                               1st Christmas 2011
                                                            Jumping Fun
                                                                   Playtime in PJ's
                                                          Possibly a future Coug
                                                                     6 month check-up
                                                                  Valentine's Day 2012
                                                                      Oh Hey!!!
                                                                Dr. Seus's Birthday
                                                                First time on the swings
                                                             St. Patty's Day
                                                            Visit with Grandpa
                                                            That's our smiling boy
                                                               Swinging fun
                                                                   love this face
                                                          Birthday Present from mom and dad
                                                                Jackson's Birthday Decor

                                                                   Big Brother Onsie
                                                                  1 year photo
                                                                Birthday cake

                                     Cute Country Boy