Wednesday, May 25, 2011

34 weeks, 2 days Prego!

And I keep getting bigger.....

So I have not updated in a looooooooong time!  Things are going well, however, I am starting to feel ready to be done.  I am calling this my "cranky" stage :)  I have had all of my WONDERFUL baby showers and am saying "thank you" again to everyone who attended and appreciate everything that everyone has done for us!  TRULY!!!  The nursery is just about done.  Just some paint touch-ups and some things to be hung on the walls and then I will get some pictures!  

Within the last month I have gotten "pregnancy carpal tunnel".  IT IS NOT FUN!  I have to sleep with these dorky wrist splints so my hands don't fall asleep so much and Adam jokingly makes fun of me every night when I put them on :)  They are so annoying, but they do help somewhat!  My hands have so much fluid around them that they don't even look like my hands anymore and my feet and ankles are getting that way too!  Sleeping and walking are getting more uncomfortable each day because this little man is getting so big and he is definitely making my walk more like a waddle :)  Only about 5 more weeks...  I think I can... I think I can...  I go to the doctor tomorrow.  I am hoping that everything is looking good and then I start going every week until the little man arrives.  Pretty EXCITING!!!!  

Jackson is moving so much now a days, that I feel him pretty much all day long.  I also see my stomach moving all the time.  It is the craziest thing ever to just all of the sudden see your belly jump!  I don't know what he is doing in there, but I think he is getting a little cramped.  I am feeling Braxton Hicks pretty often too, they are the weirdest feeling.  All of the sudden my belly just tightens and cramps a little and then it releases that tension.  SO WEIRD!!!

We have 15 more school days and it can't end soon enough :)  It is definitely spring and the kids are as ready to be done as I am.  I am teaching a lot from my desk lately due to too much pressure on my fat little feet if I stand too long!  I finished my testing today and am very happy with the results and can feel good about the year coming to an end.  The day that school gets out I am going to be doing home remedies to try to get some contractions going, but I have a feeling he is just going to come on his time, and he will probably be late, but we shall see :)

Well I think that is pretty much a good update!  I will have nursery pic's soon and we are anxiously awaiting Jackson's arrival!