Monday, April 25, 2011

30 weeks

Well I am officially 30 weeks along now!!!  I can't believe it!  Time is just flying by :)  My sleepless nights are getting worse, and I'm starting to swell in my hands and feet, but still feeling pretty darn good!  I am was just telling some people last week that I really can't start complaining now, I have had an easy and good feeling pregnancy thus far!  I am going to the doctor every two weeks instead of once a month and then at the end of May I start going weekly!!!
It is all going to be here before we know it.  We have 36 more days of school for the school year and I say that Jackson can come anytime after that!! :)

Looking a little tired in the eyes, but I am trooping along :)

Monday, April 11, 2011

Baby Shower Photos 28 weeks Prego!!!

Everyone enjoying themselves!

Baby Jackson!!!

Some of the girls!!

Jacks (for baby Jackson) and candy cups!

Dessert table and some cute onesies!

Delicious food by Tammy!

Ava cracking herself up as well as everyone else!

Maggie skyping in with us!

Baby Jackson cupcakes!  SO CUTE!!

4-11-11 ***28 weeks 2 days!

Well I am officially in my third trimester!  It is pretty crazy to think that I have less than 12 weeks left.  It is going sooooooooo fast.  I am feeling very well and loving each and every day!  Jackson is moving consistently daily and is growing so much.  I know this because I feel just in the last week my stomach has like doubled in size :)  My book does say that he is about 16 inches long now and about 2 1/2 lbs.  I was on spring break last week and I feel like each day my belly just got bigger and bigger.  I don't know if this is because I had nothing better to do than to look at it or what not?!

I had the most amazing baby shower this past weekend and got some AWESOME gifts!  Thanks again to everyone who made that day so special for me and little Jackson!  Megan, Ashley and Tammy did a truly AMAZING job with it and it was picture perfect!

The baby room is still a work in progress!  Due to some silly mistakes we had to start practically over on the chair rail we are putting up, but it is all coming together and I can't wait to put all of Jackson's goodies away and organized!  I have been taking pictures of it, but I am going to wait to post until we have it all done!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Family pictures at 26 weeks 1 day

Mags and me

Joel, me and Maggie

                                                                 The fam minus Adam


Our little Family!  (Can you tell that Adam loves pictures?)

Maggie giving Jackson some love :)