Sunday, January 30, 2011

Dr. appointment at 16 weeks 6 days

1-21-11  Dr. appointment went well.  It was a quick appointment.  We heard the heartbeat and basically that was it.  The heartbeat was nice and strong again and not hard to find at 150 beats/minute!  I can't even explain how crazy it is to hear that quick little heartbeat!  We both get smiles on our faces every time and I (being the emotional one) get teared up :)  We scheduled our next appointment for February 11th and guess what???  It is our 20 week ultrasound to find out the sex!  Can't wait!!!!  The doctor also wrote me a massage prescription because of my headaches still continuing and some lower back pain.  I absolutely LOVE massages, so I was thoroughly excited when he said it would be a good idea to start getting them!

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