Sunday, January 30, 2011

My belly and me at 18 weeks

1-29-11  Another belly picture!  We are now in our 5th month!  I can't believe it :)  Belly is growing and I am really starting to feel the stretching.  I feel like my belly grew over night.  I woke up and it was pooching out even more than the day before!  Last night was amazing!  I started feeling a ton of movement!  I was trying to explain what it felt like to Adam, but was having a hard time explaining it.  We read what our baby book said it would feel like and it was right on...  It felt like the baby was doing somersaults in there.  It went on for about an hour.  IT WAS AWESOME!!!

Dr. appointment at 16 weeks 6 days

1-21-11  Dr. appointment went well.  It was a quick appointment.  We heard the heartbeat and basically that was it.  The heartbeat was nice and strong again and not hard to find at 150 beats/minute!  I can't even explain how crazy it is to hear that quick little heartbeat!  We both get smiles on our faces every time and I (being the emotional one) get teared up :)  We scheduled our next appointment for February 11th and guess what???  It is our 20 week ultrasound to find out the sex!  Can't wait!!!!  The doctor also wrote me a massage prescription because of my headaches still continuing and some lower back pain.  I absolutely LOVE massages, so I was thoroughly excited when he said it would be a good idea to start getting them!

My belly and me at 14 weeks

1-1-11  Here is another belly pic!  We are now 14 weeks along!  Belly is growing and believe it or not, the morning sickness is kind of starting.  Nothing too serious, but not feeling too great here and there.  My books say that this should all be stopping by now, but I figure every person has their own experiences during pregnancy!

Dr. Appointment at 12 weeks 5 days

12-23-10  Dr. appointment went well!  We didn't have an ultrasound, but we did hear the heartbeat for the first time.  It was SUPER strong.  160 beats/minute!  Now from the the myths I have read, that means it could highly be a girl, but who knows...  myths are myths for a reason!!!

I have been feeling really well this whole first trimester!  I am getting really close to starting the second trimester.  Time is just flying by.  I haven't really had any morning sickness, just REALLY tired and some major headaches!  It is really becoming a reality that this is going to happen!  It has been a long time coming and we are so thrilled!!!!

My belly and me at 10 weeks

12-4-10  Here is my first belly pic!  I couldn't believe that I already had a pooch (not sure if that is spelled right), but who am I kidding...  I just know I am going to pack on the pounds :)  I mean...  my mom gained 50 lbs. with me!  Sorry for bringing that up mom :)

Baby Montes at 9 weeks 4 days

11-30-10  Had another successful doctor's appointment!  Everything looked awesome!  We even saw the baby kick :)  It was crazy!!!  I didn't even know that the baby would be moving like that at that point.  The heartbeat was strong and the doctor seemed very pleased by the way everything was progressing.

Baby Montes at 6 weeks 4 days

11-10-10  First doctor's appointment went well! We had an early appointment due to our previous miscarriages.  At 6 weeks everything looked great!  We heard the heartbeat right away and were very excited!