Sunday, January 13, 2013

34 weeks, 1 day

I have been so bad about blogging this time around.  We are now at 34 weeks and I am getting very uncomfortable and anxious for our baby girls arrival.  We have decided on a name....  Payton Kathryn Montes!!!  It was nice to have my winter break, but I kind of wish I hadn't gone back to school after it.  I am carrying baby girl so differently that I am getting really uncomfortable and ready for the pregnancy to be over.  I also feel like she is going to be a big girl :)  When she moves, she feels like she is really strong and it makes it almost painful!!!  She is already sitting so low and I feel like she is going to come early, but watch...  I will go past my due date this time!  I have my next appointment on January 23rd and then I start going weekly!  I can't believe it!

So since I am getting so uncomfortable, my last day of work is going to be Friday, February 1st!  I am seriously counting down the days!  As soon as I am done teaching, I say Payton can join us whenever she is ready (hopefully sooner than late).  And then my dream of being a stay at home mom is going to be in full effect!  I am so excited for it and am so appreciative that Adam is going to make sure that happens for our family!

Jackson is growing by the day and saying more and more each day!  He is starting to say phrases and not just words, he counts to 2 and higher, but 2 is what he says for the rest of the numbers, he is an amazing helper and loves to kiss his sister all the time!  His personality is truly coming out and he is a funny boy who puts a smile on your face all the time!  I think he is going to be the best big brother!!!

Joel and Ashley are anxiously awaiting baby Henry's arrival!  The due date is January 17th, but it could happen any day now!  We can't wait to meet him!

Here is some picture updates...
Santa pic 2012

Getting ready to Christmas Tree Hunt

Dad and Jackson with their serious faces :)

Jackson ready to saw a tree down

So funny

Christmas lights....

Trimming the tree

Drummer boy with his drum as a crown

coloring at his new table

putting together big boy bed

drinking beer is so funny...  well...  maybe not :)

Jackson put together his wordrobe

New toddler bed (doesn't sleep in it yet, but likes to read in it!

Big boy drinking his Dutch Bros. chocolate milk

The crown again...

Binky boy with his spatulas
32 weeks

I have some more belly pics, but they won't upload...  Until next time!!!!!