Friday, November 30, 2012

27 weeks, 6 days

So time is just flying by...  Just a quick update:  Baby girl is doing great, and growing by the day.  I am measuring right on track and my weight gain is good (even better than last time), and I feel like she is going to be one BIG baby girl.  She actually hurts me sometimes with her punches and kicks!  We still don't have a name, but hopefully soon!  Sleeping is getting harder and harder, but thankfully, Jackson is sleeping all through the night and gives this mommy some rest!

Jackson update:  He is a busy, busy boy!  He is go, go, go all the time and is as happy as can be.  He is talking up a storm also.  Sad to say it, but his two favorite words are "uh-oh" and "shit".  Not my proudest moment, but it doesn't help that I think it is the funniest thing because he totally uses it in context!  He is doing to be 18 months next month and I can't believe it.  We have been trying to get him used to the idea of the baby, so whenever we see one or one is on TV I point it out and he really wants nothing to do with it.  He does however kiss my belly every time I ask him to give the baby some LOVE.  I am kind of nervous on how he is going to be with the baby, so we will see! 
He also is in love with some certain cartoons...  Bubble Guppies, DORA, and Curious George are probably his favorites right now, but Bubble Guppies tops the chart by far!!!
Halloween was good!  Jackson was a cowboy.  The costume came together last minute, but he was too cute!  I took him down on the Avenue with Ashley and Rose and Lucy joined us too.  It was pretty crazy and we didn't get too much candy, but Jackson had a great time people watching in the stroller.
Thanksgiving was nice and quiet too.  We had breakfast with Joel and Ashley and went to see my mom and then Adam and Jackson and I hung out at the house all afternoon and made our own dinner.  It was great!  

Christmas is coming soon and I am truly looking forward to Jackson opening presents this year!  I think he is going to go crazy, however, we are trying to figure out what to get him, as he doesn't really play with real toys.  He is more into kitchen utinsels and anything that is NOT a toy.  I am contemplating getting him a bunch of kitchen stuff from the Dollar Store, but we will see!

My last day of work is going to be Valentine's Day!  I am getting pretty anxious, as I am usually pretty tired by the end of my work day.  

 Mommy and Jackson Reading Time
 Jackson driving the truck at Smallwoods Harvest
(had a pick from last year too)
 Pumpkin Time
 So cute!!!!
 Daddy and Jackson fixing a wooden toy
 Halloween 2012
 Mommy and Jackson on Halloween
 Daddy and Jackson on Halloween
 Jackson taking Jackson Lucy for a walk :)
 The Boys raking the leaves
 Thanksgiving:  me at 26 weeks 5 days, and Ash at 32 weeks
 Family Thanksgiving Pic
Mommy and Jackson nap time

Happy Holidays!