Thursday, October 25, 2012

Baby #2: IT"S A GIRL

So once again...  It has been a long time since I last updated!  Since my last post, we found out that our wonderful baby #2 bundle of joy is going to be a baby GIRL!  We are thrilled about it and I am already getting antsy to see her beautiful face.  I do have to say that I for sure thought it was going to be a boy though.  The whole ultra sound I was looking for his little "thing" and then when the technician asked if we wanted to find out and what we thought it would be, she said, "well, it is definitely not a boy!"  I was SHOCKED!  But I went out the next day and bought a few little girl pieces of clothing and realized that I am in BIG trouble, cause those clothes are so stinkin cute and hard to resist!

She is moving a ton and kicking up a storm.  Adam finally got to feel her the other night for the first time.  She is pretty stubborn already, cause every time Adam went to feel her, she would stop moving.  But he finally got to feel her and hopefully will a lot more :)

Jackson is doing great and growing by the day.  He is 16 months now and as cute as can be!  He puts a smile on our faces and makes us laugh daily!  He is saying, mama, dada, Elmo, uh-oh, ball, and signing more, please, all done, and thank you".  We feel like he is pretty smart :)

We go to the doctor on Nov. 1st and can't wait to hear our little sweethearts heartbeat again!  And yes...  we don't have a name yet, but we are working on it!!!