Friday, August 3, 2012

Baby #2 update

Ok.  So this last month has not been the easiest, but it is slowly getting better.  I have been pretty light headed, getting my usual headaches, and even thrown up a couple of times.  This is way worse feeling than with Jackson.  Because of my sickness feeling, my appetite has not been much in existent.  I also am SUPER tired, which I was with Jackson, but it is like double that tiredness by the end of the day from running after Jackson all day.  He is all over the place now a days.  He is climbing things, practically running, and a Dancing Fool :)  His favorite word right now is "uh-oh" and he says it all the time.  He also is saying: mama, dada, hot, and ball.  He is picking up on so much stuff right now that he basically learns something after one time of showing him.  Along with his dancing a lot, he does Happy Feet.  When we say "Happy Feet", he moves his feet really fast!  It is the cutest thing ever!!!!!!

Today we had a doctors appointment and it went well, however, at first we were a little nervous.  We went in to be able to hear the heartbeat for the first time.  I am always anxious to hear the baby and/or see it every time we go.  So the doctor put the doppler on my belly and all we could hear was my heartbeat, which the longer the doctor went around to find it, the faster mine was getting.  I was pretty nervous at this point.  The doctor said that we were just going to do an ultra sound instead.  I did need to keep in mind that he said at this gestational period, it could be hard to hear the heartbeat, but I was still kind of freaking out inside.  So the doctor and nurse came in to do the ultra sound and immediately we could see the baby and his/her little heart beating like crazy.  The baby was also kicking and moving all over.  I did lose 4 lbs. and so he said I need to keep myself hydrated, but he didn't seem too concerned.  But Dr. Pitts said everything was great and we were going to see him in a month!  It was so amazing to see that little sucker moving around, especially because I swear I have already been feeling the flutters of the baby moving this last week.

So everything is great and we are super excited!  I am supposed to be 11 weeks tomorrow, but the baby did measure a little bigger at 11 weeks, 3 days already!!!  So we will see when he/she arrives!!!!!!!  Here is our wonderful ultra sound from today and my first belly pic that I took today!
                                                                 10 weeks, 6 days