Tuesday, March 22, 2011


Well, well, well...  It has been forever.  I just feel like the time is flying by.  Jackson is growing up a storm and boy am I feeling it.  I am 25 weeks, 3 days now.  I am definitely feeling the little guy in there more and more each day.  Yesterday I woke up at 4:30 am to him punching or kicking or doing something crazy in my belly.  I could not even sleep though it because the hitting was so strong.  Adam could not believe it either.  He could feel it like crazy from the outside of my belly, so he could only imagine what I was feeling from the inside!

I am feeling REALLY well (besides being crazy emotional) and am hoping that it continues!  I have quite a bit more energy, even with not sleeping too well, and am starting to get things ready for the little guy to arrive. We got the crib and dresser/changing table the other day and are hoping to have them put together by this weekend!  Adam has been working hard on the trim in the baby room and we don't have too much further to go!  Can't wait to see it all done!

My mom is giving us a little scare right now.  She has pnemonia and is in the hospital right now.  We are on day 2 and it is probably going to be at least a week.  She is doing WAY better than yesterday though.  She is smiling and laughing today which is always fun to see!!!  I think she just wanted a little extra attention since her 50th birthday is a few days away!  :)  Plus she also got Maggie to come home early!!! She is on her way home right now and should be arriving to Wenatchee late tonight!  Not the best way to get Maggie home, but we are all excited to see her!

I have some pictures of the nursery and the baby bump coming soon!!!!